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States & Capitals Songs

by Kathy Troxel

Reviewed by Martha Robinson and Mary Leggewie

Purchase details: States & Capitals Songs by Kathy Troxel. CD and student book, $12.95. Published by Audio Memory. Please support by buying this program from our Christian Book Distributors link.

States & Capitals Songs teaches capitals and the locations of the states by border. The melodies are very catchy with different styles of music including country and jazz.

Songs for the states and their capitals are grouped by the borders (southern, eastern, northern) and the middle of the United States. In each song, the capital and state is repeated twice before moving to the adjacent state on the border. A "test" version of the song then plays with only the music for the first singing of the capital and state, so that the student can test his knowledge before the hearing the state and capital during the second singing. A male voice announces Alaska's and Hawaii's capitals. The five other songs on the CD, repeated from Geography Songs, teach the names of the states in order by the northern, southern, and eastern borders; and the Pacific and middle states.

A large black-and-white poster, rather than a student book, comes with the program. An outline map has the states and capitals along with one or two landmarks in each state numbered, and a list along the sides of the map tells what each number represents. The lyrics of the songs are shown below the map. A few line drawing illustrations decorate the poster.

Sample sound clip from States & Capitals Songs

Martha's Recommendation: States & Capitals Songs is sure to make learning capitals a painless task. The music is pleasant, and everyone in the family will catch on quickly to the words.

Mary's Recommendation: This is one of our favorites! My children remember what they learn when when it's put to music. A definite "two thumbs' up!" I did have to laugh when my kids pointed out Perrier water at the store and were all excited about this water made in South Dakota! That proves I should have used the map and not just the song! They enjoy these tunes, and knowing all the capitals and states. resources related to this review:

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