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Geography Songs

by Kathy Troxel

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Geography Songs by Kathy Troxel. CD and student book, $22.95. Published by Audio Memory. Please support by buying this program from our ChristianBookDistributors link.

Geography Songs takes the family around the world and into the universe with twenty-seven songs about the solar system, continents, regions, and countries. The songs have simple melodies that are easy to learn.

The student's book has a slick colorful cover and sixty-nine pages. Songs about countries and regions appear first with the final two songs being about the continents and the solar system. Some songs, like "The British Isles," "Australia," and "Scandinavia," offer a bit of cultural information about the area, while others, such as "Former USSR," "Southeast Asia," and "Canada," stick to just the names of the countries or provinces.

Each of the songs has at least two facing pages. On the first page, the lyrics appear with some black-and-white illustrations that picture things associated with the country or region. On the facing page, a map is shown with the countries, states, or provinces numbered in the order they are sung. The United States has five songs that teach the states in order of the borders around the country. Many extra pages with images and explanations of famous landmarks throughout the world add interest.

The final section of the student book is a reproducible test section. Fill-in-the-blank versions of each song are shown so that the student can test his memory and spelling capabilities. A crossword puzzle of general geography terms is also included.

Sample sound clip from Geography Songs

Recommendation: Geography Songs is an excellent introduction to geography for children and adults. By singing and pointing to the countries on a map, students will rapidly become familiar with names and locations on our planet and in the solar system. Even if this is the only geography program used, the children will be far ahead of the majority of Americans in geography knowledge. An in-depth geography study will be much easier after using Geography Songs.

Martha's Experience: Geography Songs is our family's favorite of the Audio Memory CD's. The songs were easy to learn, and we find ourselves singing them all the time! I offer a strong recommendation for this CD! resources related to this review:

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