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Curricula and Learning Links - Special Needs

ADD/ADHD: Suggestions to Help Without Medication

Attention Deficit Disorder is an increasingly diagnosed condition in children. At school the ADD/ADHD child is labeled and may suffer ridicule from his/her classmates. The child can be kept in from recess or other activities because he hasn't finished his work. You CAN homeschool the ADD/ADHD child successfully without medications. Here are some suggestions for how to accomplish this.

Exercise! Ten minutes on a trampoline or a jog around the block can make a world of difference for many children. If the child begins to get distracted, have him/her give you ten pushups or do thirty jumping jacks.

Moving while doing schoolwork Let the child walk around while reciting, spelling, doing math facts, etc. Let him jiggle a coin or marble in the opposite hand or squeeze a ball while writing if it doesn't take his focus away from his work. Chewing (sugarless) gum may help. Another idea is to cut pool noodles into thirds or quarters and let the child roll the noodles around with his feet while working.

Stay near by Some moms find that if they sit near the child or do a worksheet at the same time, the child works better.

Get rid of textbooks as much as possible. Try discussion, reading aloud to the child, watching a video, playing a game. Be creative and avoid frustration.

Take turns reading. Read one paragraph, and then make the child read the next. This will help them remain focused and follow along.

Offer praise for the child's work.

Use a timer. Set it for a time shorter than the child can stick to a subject to encourage him to focus. Then change topics with the next time slot.

Listen to books on tape/CD and let the child bounce on an exercise ball while listening. Support by subscribing to On the Go Audiobooks for audiobook rentals.

Use a large white board for math problems. Using gross motor skills for math seems to click for some children. Write the problems on the board before the lesson, and let him use a small board for practice problems and "scratch."

Coffee can help because the caffeine (without sugar!) actually can have a calming effect on ADD individuals.

Check for food sensitivities. Try an elimination diet to see if something sets off your child's behavior.

Try Martial Arts. This sport is good exercise and also helps develop focus, discipline, and respect.

Websites about ADD and ADHD

ADHD of the Christian Kind

When ADHD Hits Home by Laurie Westlake

NATTHAN ADD articles

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