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Curricula and Learning Links - Science

Physical Sciences - Astronomy (Space)

Ask the Space Scientist Over 1,800 archived questions on virtually every space related topic imaginable. You may also post a new question, if you're unable to find it in the FAQ's. By Dr. Stan Odenwald .

Auroras This site will show you what auroras look like on Earth and from space, explain how they are created, and show you where they can be found.

Beginning with Telescopes

BrainPOP Online educational science movies, including Space. Some free. Your subscription benefits!

Build a Solar System Make a scale model of the Solar System and learn the REAL definition of "space."

Earth and Moon Viewer You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe.

Edmund Scientifics Fascinating astronomy and science products!

Hubble Space Telescope The complete collection of every Hubble Space Telescope news release and its supporting materials, along with tools and resources designed to further your knowledge of astronomy.

The Moon As seen from the Northern Hemisphere

NASA Everything about NASA. Includes NASA TV where you can watch all launches and landings live.

National Space Society The National Space Society (NSS) is an independent, educational, grassroots, non-profit organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization.

Science Kit Boreal Laboratories Astronomy products and science kits.

The Nine Planets, A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System This website is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons and other objects in our solar system.

Planet Information Chart Chart of planet information to help make a scale model of the solar system

Review of Signs and Seasons Classical Astronomy curricula

Sky and Telescope, The Essential Magazine of Astronomy News and articles about astronomy.

Sky View Cafe See many types of astronomical information in graphical and numerical form. Headlines and stories of space news.

Space Camp Exciting camps for young people to explore space and aviation. Not inexpensive!

Stanford Solar Center Activities based on the sun and solar science.

THE THOUSAND-YARD MODEL or, The Earth as a Peppercorn Classic exercise for visualizing just how BIG our Solar System really is. Both the relative size and spacing of the planets are demonstrated in this outdoor exercise, using a mere peppercorn to represent the size of the Earth.

Yerkes Observatory Virtual Tour Yerkes is a 100-year-old observatory (owned by the University of Chicago) with five research telescopes, one of which is the largest refractor in the world.

Science Product Vendors

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Apologia Science Products Christian science products -- highly regarded by homeschoolers. By Jay Wile, Ph.D.

Science books, kits, curricula Choose from thousands of possibilities in the science section of Christian Book Distributors.

BrainPOP Online educational science movies. Some free. Your subscription benefits!

Sargent Welch Biotechnology Equipment and kits for physics, biology, and chemistry experiments. High quality microscopes and more! Cool science kits.

Ward's Science Resources Natural science kits to help you study biology, earth science, forensics, physical science, and chemistry.

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