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Polished Cornerstones

by Pam Forster

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Polished Cornerstones, Projects for Daughters on the Path to Womanhood by Pam Forster. Spiral bound paperback, $48. Published by Doorposts. Please support by buying this program from our Amazon affiliate link.

Pam Forster and her husband John offer a simple purpose to Polished Cornerstones in the preface: "We want to prepare our daughters to faithfully serve God as young ladies, as wives, and as mothers." The title is derived from the prayer of Psalm 144:12, "...That our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace," but Proverbs 31 is the guideline that is tremendously expanded upon in this volume to train girls to become virtuous women. Polished Cornerstones is designed to be a supplement, not a standalone curriculum, for girls of all ages.

In the introductory sections, Mrs. Forster emphasizes the involvement of parents in the training process. While offering encouragement and ideas to single parents, she points out that sacrifices may need to be made by all parents "to devote the time needed to really know our children and to diligently train them for righteous living." Parents may need to prioritize in favor of their daughters, to give up activities and material goods in order to eliminate time and financial constraints that would keep them from seeking "Gods Word and His wisdom." Mrs. Forster offers daily and monthly tracking and goal charts along with many suggestions for planning and recording progress.

The primary focus of the projects in Polished Cornerstones is on "Gods authoritative Word" and in helping daughters "form their beliefs and opinions, their actions and goals, from the truth and wisdom of Scripture." Nave's Topical Bible and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible are required reference materials, while The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace is strongly recommended. Many other books are suggested throughout the text. Because Polished Cornerstones is written from a Reformed Presbyterian perspective, the Westminster Catechism is a study item in most chapters.

The virtuous woman in Polished Cornerstones is defined by 52 characteristics with projects for each in separate chapters. From twenty-five to fifty activities are described in each section, with the early items suitable for younger girls. Some of the characteristics include Godly, reliable, honest, submissive, peacemaking, devoted, diligent, goal-oriented, organized, prayerful, self-disciplined, evangelistic, just, family-centered, and exemplary.

The heart of Polished Cornerstones is in Bible study. Most activities involve the girl reading the Bible or Biblical commentary-type books and writing papers, discussing with her parents, or interacting with other Godly adults. Developing a kind and loving heart through obedience, faith, and service are stressed.

Marriage preparation is a common thread throughout Polished Cornerstones. Girls are encouraged to pray for their future husband, to prepare "for a peaceful life of joyful submission to her husband," and to consider how divorce relates to determination and "failure to persevere." Goals "to accomplish for God's glory" after completion of formal education if God "should not lead you into marriage immediately after school" are another area for older girls to think about. Courtship is the recommended method for preparing for marriage. Homemaking and parenting skills are developed through projects in several chapters.

Current events and controversial topics are brought to light in the chapter, "A Just Woman." In addition to studying politics and government, daughters are encouraged to become involved with actions to fight abortion. They are given verse references to study what the Bible has to say about abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, AIDS, balanced budget/debt, capital punishment, taxation, pornography, and homosexuality.

The book ends with a list of resources and suppliers, other products available from Doorposts, and a thank you note from the author.

Recommendation: Polished Cornerstones is an organized, attractive, and thorough character-building program for girls. The forms provided will make planning and tracking easy. The entire book encourages family interaction and leadership on the part of the father. Girls of all ages can benefit from this program. resources related to this review:

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