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Jungle Flight

by Dane Skelton

Review by Elliot Robinson

Jungle Flight by Dane Skelton. Paperback, 108 pages, $11.99. Please support by buying this program from our Amazon link.

Dane Skelton's Jungle Flight - Spiritual Adventures at the Ends of the Earth tells the harrowing and inspirational tales of JAARS pilots and technicians living operating on the fringes of civilization. This 106 page book relates nine stories of God's power directly working on the life of missionaries all over the world in a variety of interesting, and sometimes life-threatening, situations. Additionally, the book contains a foreword by Franklin Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; an introduction by the author detailing the inspiration for the book, and a brief history and explanation of the current activities of JAARS, also by the author.

Jungle Flight is amply illustrated with black and white photos pertaining to almost every segment of the book. Particularly fascinating are the images of missionaries with the local peoples, aircraft parts, a pilot sleeping beside his downed plane, and the aircraft themselves. Jungle Flight's compelling stories, copious pictures, large, readable text; and moderately short length make it a perfect choice for any audience.

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