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The Growing Homeschool

Integrating Babies and Toddlers into Your Already Busy Schedule

by Cynthia Carrier

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: The Growing Homeschool by Cynthia Carrier. Paperback, 147 pages, $10.95 or e-book for $8.95. Please support by buying this book using our affiliate link to Values Driven Family.

Cynthia Carrier, co-author of The Values Driven Family, shares what she has learned as a homeschooling mother of a young family in the book, The Growing Homeschool. Mrs. Carrier's message is one of inspiration and encouragement, particularly to families with many children. She discusses how life changes with each new addition to the family and assures mothers that they should give themselves some leeway with housekeeping, academics, and all their other jobs during the adjustment period after the new baby arrives.

Mrs. Carrier stresses the integration of all aspects of family life: raising children with the core Christian values, taking care of immediate household needs, teaching, developing a solid relationship with the Lord, and being a wife. Spiritual discipleship and character training should be built into every activity. She shares the core values first outlined in The Values Driven Family and gives tips for how to impart them to your children.

Recommendation: The Growing Homeschool provides much wisdom and encouragement to mothers of young, growing families. Experienced mothers will enjoy Mrs. Carrier's positive outlook and tips. resources related to this review:

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