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Curricula and Learning Links - Junior ROTC

Developing Leadership and Confidence

Homeschooling parents may award high school credit for participation in programs such as Sea Cadets, Young Marines, and Civil Air Patrol Cadets. These programs all teach valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and self-discipline. Cadets build confidence, increase in physical fitness, and develop an interest in personal grooming for success. NONE of these programs require any commitment, or pressure the participating children in any way, to join the military.

Military-Based Youth Programs Build Leadership by Martha Robinson
This article highlights some of the benefits of JROTC-type programs.

Links to Other Sites

American and Military History
Material useful to the education of our young military leaders.

Animated Knots
Site to learn to tie knots.

Duty, Honor, Country
General Douglas MacArthur's speech to the Corps of Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY

Helpful Links for studying Naval history
History of aircraft, ships, submarines, and other U.S. Navy history. From the David McCampbell Battalion, USNSCC, site.

Medal of Honor recipients -- Our nation's highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor has been given only about 3,400 times since its creation in 1861. Reading the citations of these heroes is guaranteed to provide inspiration! Medal of Honor

U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps for ages 10 to the end of high school
Highly recommended by the Robinson family. Parents are welcome to volunteer as leaders in their cadet's unit and as leaders or helpers at summer training. Cadets can explore many different disciplines including the following:

Sea Cadets is an outstanding family activity!

Young Marines for ages 8 and up.
Young Marines teaches the principles of discipline, leadership, and teamwork "to strengthen the lives of America's youth." Units are usually run by retired Marines and focus on outdoor activities such as camping and field navigation. Young Marines units have a great deal of leeway to participate in different activities as directed by the commanding officer.

Civil Air Patrol Cadets for ages 12 and up.
Civil Air Patrol, as its name indicates, is a civilian program. Cadets wear uniforms and study aerospace science.