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Custom Search's Holiday Section

Valentine's Day

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 NASB

Valentine's Day History

Who was St. Valentine? This is actually a controversial topic! Here are a few sources to begin your reading.

St. Valentine biography
Another St. Valentine biography
The History of Valentine's Day from The History Channel

Valentine's Day Books

Saint Valentine by Robert Sabuda
The Story of Valentine's Day by Clyde Robert Bulla
The Story of Valentine's Day board book by Nancy Skarmeas

Craft and Party Ideas

Donna in NM:
Every year we make Valentines Boxes out of shoe boxes. I used to make these in grade school. We decorate them with foil, ribbon, stickers, pompoms, whatever we have on hand, cut a hole in the top and stuff them with Valentines or Love Notes. We're also making a long paper garland of red hearts, with another smaller heart of a different color glued on top of it.

We've had all-boy Valentine's Day parties for years. We only allow the color red (NO PINK) and no lace at all! The boys give each other masculine/funny/silly/homemade valentines, usually with candy attached. In the past we have played Pizza Tag, made as much noise as we could with Valentine's Day clappers (okay, some were magenta, but we didn't use the pink ones), and had lots of goodies (boys like to eat!) I have an inflatable red octopus for ring toss somewhere out in the garage...

Valentine's Day Links

Please make sure to check these sites for appropriateness before letting your children navigate on them.

Hidden Valentine Surprise Card
Martha Stewart's Valentine's Day Crafts
Family Fun Valentine's Day Crafts
Craft Bits Valentine's Day Crafts