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Curricula and Learning Links - High School

What Students Should Know Before They Graduate

What should your teen know before he or she graduates? Everything needed to get started on a successful and faith-filled life! Of course, they should know basics like math, English, and science, but what else will help them be self-sufficient and responsible adults? Some of the items on the following list compiled from participants on's message boards may surprise you.

First Aid and CPR

How to plan meals, set-up, cook, and serve. Then how to clean up! This should include preparing a grocery list, shopping, and staying within budget.

Car repairs -- changing the oil on the car, basic car maintenance,how to fill the gas tank, check the oil level, windshield fluid, radiator fluid, etc.

Basic home repairs -- unclogging a sink/toilet, how to stop a leaky faucet, how to hammer a nail in without it going crooked, how to tell the difference between a flat and Phillips screwdriver, how to paint a wall without touching the ceiling or another wall.

Basic sewing -- hemming pants/skirt, sewing on a button, repairing a seam.

Table manners -- how to set the table, table manners.

How to think -- to be able to think through their faith, embrace it, and be able to share it in a make-sense (logical) way. To see that consequences result from our choices, whether in the academic or personal arena. To avoid being swayed by every wind of doctrine (or current philosophy or opinion) that is thrown at them. To be able to process the facts and come to their own conclusions. To see what is "not" being said as well as how something is said.

Being a servant to those around them.

How to develop, nurture and maintain high character, morals, and values.

Civics so the young adult can be active in the community and a responsible voter.

Strong character skills -- To be dependable, willing to learn, reliable, and honest.

Financial knowledge -- How to balance the checkbook, how to make and stick to a budget, how credit cards and loans work, how to save money.

Health an natural medicine -- How to survive most of life without prescription drugs, how to take care of yourself.